St. Paul, Minnesota – January 17, 2012 – HHS estimates that administrative costs can be slashed by up to $4.5 billion due to the new standards for electronic funds transfers (released at the beginning of this month). This comes on top of mounting evidence showing that converting claims processing to electronic saves both time and money.
In the wake of these recent legislative changes, a majority of basic claims are now being processed electronically. However, nonstandard documents continue to lag behind as many are still being processed as paper.
“All of the easy stuff is done. Now we’re left with the more complex claims and processes,” states Pat Bollom, co-owner of Smart Data Solutions, a healthcare focused eleven-year-old front-end claims process automation company.
Smart Data Solutions is an industry leader in the conversion of paper documents to electronic files. The company is able to process any document type from paper and return it electronically in any desired format. Their technology can help to greatly reduce the remaining non-standard documents being processed as paper and provide great cost reduction for clients in the health care industry.
John Prange, co-owner of Smart Data Solutions, adds, “Smart Data’s automation of claim processing is not just focused on the standard claims. We understand that much of the work left to be done is dealing with non-standard claims.” He continues to joke that SDS can handle any document type, “even doctors notes that are scribbled on a napkin!”
Smart Data’s comprehensive claims management system automatically integrates mailroom, data capture, data editing, EDI clearinghouse solutions and a variety of custom solutions critically needed by today’s healthcare industry. In addition. Smart Data clients can quickly and easily view documents, reports and automated alerts throughout the claims process.
Today, more than 140 TPAs, PPOs, HMOs, hospitals and insurance companies depend on SDS technology to save money and streamline their business. From paper processing to claims management and EDI, Smart Data Solutions offers the solutions critically needed by today’s health care industry. For more information about Smart Data Solutions please visit our web site at, contact Pat Bollom at 651-690-3140 or email